Mass flow meter has no flow display or no output solution

1. First observe whether the mass flowmeter has an alarm, and then check and deal with the alarm information. For example, the mass flow meter of Jiake Automation Instrument can be operated according to the instruction manual, and enter the menu to view the alarm code.

2. Coriolis mass flowmeters have drive coils, and the driver will vibrate after power-on. Therefore, you can go to the site to listen to the sensor for humming sound, and touch the sensor with your hand to see if there is any vibration, sound or vibration. sense, indicating that the power supply and drive coil are normal. But humming and vibration are more obvious when the pipe is empty, and less obvious when the medium is full.

3. If there is no sound and vibration, first check whether the power supply is normal, whether the power supply is really supplied, and the voltage between the ground and the ground can be measured. Check if the fuse on the power output board is blown. If the fuse can be powered on by replacing the fuse, it means that there is no short circuit. If the fuse is re-burned, it means there is a short circuit fault. The load circuit should be carefully checked. If no short circuit point is found, do not easily power on again to prevent the fault from expanding.

4. Check whether the wiring is correct. The wiring of the newly installed mass flow meter is the key point of inspection. Check the continuity of the cable between the sensor and the transmitter, check whether the shielding between the brown and red, green and white, blue and gray, yellow and purple wire pairs is consistent with the The wires of different colors are short-circuited, and the cables with short-circuit and open-circuit faults should be replaced. Check whether the 4 shielded wires are twisted together and grounded at a single point on the transmitter side. The sensor detection coil or the drive coil is open circuit, and the junction box is wet and there will be no flow display failure.

5. Check whether the configuration data is correct, you can reset the configuration parameters. If the current output function is turned off, there will be no current output phenomenon. When there is no output current and pulse, the signal at the output and input terminals of the safety barrier can be measured to determine whether the fault is in front of or behind the safety barrier, or whether there is a problem with the safety barrier, and take symptomatic treatment. Hardware failures can be checked step by step. If the gas content of the measured medium is too large, please cooperate with the technical personnel to solve it.

Post time: 07-03-22