Common faults and solutions of remote magnetic flap level gauges (below)

The remote magnetic flap level gauge is a kind of level gauge that is widely used in all walks of life. Its service life is very constant, but because of the different working conditions, we may have some self in our daily use. Troubles that can be resolved! Let’s continue with the previous article and talk about what other faults need to be solved:2. The numbers displayed on the instrument in the control room change leaps and bounds, and the on-site piracy instructions are also intermittent. Analysis of the cause: This situation is usually caused by the weakening of the magnetism on our floats. If we say that this kind of failure, we The on-site display is normal, then it may be that part of the reed switch of the transmitter is broken, and the reed switch cannot attract enough. Solution: Replace the float, disassemble and replace the reed switch of the transmitter

3. It means that the display is normal but the high liquid level is always displayed in the control room. Reason analysis: the disconnection caused by the resistance in the transmitter is separated. The meter always displays the high liquid level. Solution: Turn on the transmitter and find Desoldering the resistance and then soldering

Post time: 21-09-21