Common faults and treatment methods of magnetic flap level gauge in liquid ammonia storage tanks

Ammonia, as a chemical raw material, is corrosive and has a high risk of volatile chemical accidents. Typically, when storing liquid ammonia in tanks, explosion prevention measures must be taken. To display the liquid ammonia in the tank, a magnetic flap level gauge must be used. Therefore, in the chemical industry, the magnetic flap level gauge is one of the most preferred level gauges among users. However, operational issues commonly occur, which is a major concern for users. Below, I will share some common faults and handling methods of magnetic flap level gauges.
User Shares Common Faults and Solutions of Magnetic Flap Level Gauges in Liquid Ammonia Tanks

Common Faults:
1. Abnormal Display of Flap Panel:
Reasons for this type of fault in the magnetic flap level gauge usually include:
Poor or excessively small gap design between the flap and guide rail, leading to excessive friction and failure to flip.
Excessive distance between the display panel and the float, causing insufficient magnetic force to flip the flap.
Small or lost magnetic force in the flap, leading to abnormal flipping or no flipping.
Ingress of impurities such as water or dust into the display panel, making flipping difficult.
Low environmental temperature causing medium freezing, preventing the float from moving, and the flap from displaying the level correctly.
2. On-site Display is Normal, but Remote Control Room Display is Abnormal:
Causes of this fault typically include:
Fragility of domestically produced glass tubes, leading to breakage or short/open circuits in the reed switch, causing remote transmission abnormalities.
Resistor soldering issues.
Small gap between the metal contacts of the reed switch, resulting in closure when heated, especially at high temperatures.
Pressure exceeding the rated value, causing switch damage.
Magnetic field interference in the surrounding area.
3. Neither Remote Transmission nor Magnetic Flap Level Gauge is Operating:
This fault is usually due to float abnormalities, manifesting in two ways:
Float being stuck, causing incorrect display on the panel.
Possible reasons include impurities causing the float to jam, installation angle of the float chamber less than 87 degrees, magnetic attraction of debris, or freezing due to low temperatures.
Float damage, leading to incorrect panel indications.
Reasons include inadequate float strength, welding issues causing water ingress, demagnetization over time or prolonged high-temperature use, and loosening of the magnetic steel in the float.
Handling Methods:
Many users may feel overwhelmed when magnetic flap level gauges fail. However, most users can handle these situations calmly. Below are five commonly used methods:
Status Adjustment Method:
Avoid touching components in the circuit without identifying the fault. If necessary, touch adjustable components with caution.
Isolation Method:
Follow the flow chart of fault detection step by step, compare it with the flow chart, and quickly identify the fault location through signal comparison and component replacement.
Capacitance Bypass Method:
Use this method to roughly determine the direction or location of an unusual situation.
Observation Method:
Use senses such as smell, hearing, and touch to perceive points of failure in the ammonia tank, including the level gauge.
Exclusion Method:
Since the level gauge consists of several components, problems cannot be thoroughly examined at once, as it would waste time, energy, and resources.
Handling Methods from Linyi Users:
If the control room cannot display the liquid level signal, start by dismantling the remote transmitter and checking if the on-site panel displays. If it does, it indicates a faulty remote transmitter. Proceed to troubleshoot systematically.
If the panel is not moving, check for external damage. If there is none, the most likely cause is the float being installed incorrectly. If it is not a float issue, the density of the medium provided by the user may be incorrect, causing the manufacturer to miscalculate the float density.
Please note that these translations are aimed at conveying the meaning of the text and may not retain the exact wording of the original Chinese text.

Post time: 04-12-23