How often should the magnetic float level gauge be cleaned? The technician will tell you the answer

Magnetic suspension level gauges are used in many places. The magnetic suspension level gauge is convenient for us to measure. The use of magnetic suspension level timer requires occasional cleaning. The next editor will explain how often the magnetic suspension level gauge is cleaned. It would be great if I can help you.How often to wash the magnetic levitation water level gauge1. The magnetic water level gauge should be cleaned every day;2. When cleaning, first open the water level gauge iron pipe cover of the level gauge, take out the level gauge carefully, and then clean the cutting chips, garbage, and dirt around the equipment by the mechanic;3. The magnetic water level gauge should be installed in place, the pipelines and lines should be neat; the lubrication is good, and the oil should be added or changed on time4) Clean the liquid level of the medium in the magnetic water level gauge. Do not use excessively hard brushes and metal tools to avoid damage to the sensitive core and the screws of the pressure port;5. After cleaning, slowly put the level gauge back into the iron pipe. After you feel that the lower part of the iron pipe is placed, install the bottle cap in the original position;6. Reinstall the removed and cleaned level gauge and compare it with the level gauge at the same water level of the sluice. In order to ensure the correctness of the sampling data, the detection value of the secondary pressure gauge must be corrected again.How often to wash the magnetic levitation water level gaugeThe correct maintenance method of the magnetic float level gauge:1. After the sensor has been working for 6 months to 1 year, visual inspection and routine inspection should be carried out.2. Regularly check whether the sensor is bent and deformed by external force to prevent ball jamming.3. Regularly check whether the magnetic induction switch element of the sensor is aging or not, no less than once a month.4. The sensor verification period is 1 year.5. Check whether the protective sleeve of the float level gauge is leaking.Daily maintenance and inspection of magnetic float level gauge1. EliminationThe elimination method refers to the method of judging the cause of the failure by replugging and inserting several boards and equipment in the aircraft. After unplugging a certain board or device, if the meter returns to normal, it means that the fault has occurred there.How often to wash the magnetic levitation water level gauge2. Replacement methodThere are two devices of the same model, or sufficient spare parts are required. Replace the good spare parts with the same parts of the faulty machine and confirm whether the fault has been resolved.3. Shoulder ridingThe shoulder riding method is also called the side-by-side method. Place a good IC chip on the inspected chip, or connect it in parallel with the inspected components (resistance capacitor, diode, transistor, etc.) to maintain good contact, and the cause of the fault is internal open circuit or poor contact, etc., it can be used This method excludes.How long does it take to wash the magnetic levitation water level gauge? After reading this, I think everyone also knows the answer. The Kaikeda meter above also introduces the usual maintenance methods of magnetic levitation level gauges. It would be great if I can help you.

Post time: 21-09-21