TC-TPTESU Special I/O Universal Signals Isolator Safety Barrier

  • undefined
  • undefined
Thermal resistance of Pt100, Cu50
Thermocouple of K, E, S, B
Resistance (maximum range 0-500 Ω)
Millivolt (maximum range 0~100 mv)
Transmitter (power distributor), current 4~20 mA or 0~20 mA
Current source 4~20 mA or 0~20 mA

TC-TPTESU special I/O universal signal isolator is a general instrument used for various special input and output signals, external power supply and other special output forms.




Product Details

■ Overview
TC-TPTESU special I/O universal signal isolator is a general instrument used for various special
input and output signals, external power supply and other special output forms. The application
scope of output signals is wide. The output current zero extends to value 0. Output voltage zero
extends to negative value.
Switches signal inputs such as power distribution, current, thermocouple, thermal resistance,
millivolt and sliding resistance according to different wiring modes. Setting of the configuration for
input signal types or range can be made under during the power-off state. Input is open circuit or
short circuit, the output is above the high limit or below the low limit, the default value of the
configuration is output greater than 22 mA. The configuration can also be reset.
Thermal resistance input range: 10 Ω~400 Ω; minimum resolution: ±2 mΩ; stability: ±3 mΩ. When
the compensating lead error of three-wire input is not less than 50 range (Pt100), the additive
error is not more than ±0.02 .
Thermocouple input voltage range: 4~80 mV; minimum resolution: ±1 μV; stability: ±2 μV. The
additive error of cold junction compensation is not more than ±1 .
The maximum range of the sliding resistance is 0~500Ω. When the range is less than 50Ω, the
three-wire form should be used for connections. Input mode offsets the lead error.
Accuracy ±0.05% FS.
The maximum range of DC millivolt should be 0~100mVDC, and the minimum should be
0~5mVDC, with the accuracy of ±0.05%FS. Minimum resolution: 1μV; stability: 2μV; temperature
drift: ±20PPM/
The power distribution voltage is more than 16VDC. The power distribution output clamp current
can be customized as required, but must be specified upon ordering. The factory default is 28 mA
(±2 mA).
For power distribution or current input/output, the typical accuracy value is ±0.05% FS; and the
temperature drift is ±0.1 μA/.
The output DA converter has 14-digits. The current output load range is 0-550 Ω, and the output
current high limit is 25mA. Load change error < ±2 μA/550 Ω. Output voltage internal resistance <
250 Ω.
Range of the output current: 0~20 mA, null point and range within this scope can be shifted as
Range of the output voltage: -10~+10 VDC, null point and range within this scope can be shifted
as required.
During current output application, an external power supply can be used for the output circuit.
The power supply range can be chosen within the range of 20~42 VDC or 15~42 VDC.
The instrument panel of TC-TPTESU special I/O universal signal isolator includes two types: LCD
and LED backlight. The LCD can display the input value, output value, or the position number
required by the user. In case of no LCD, the LED backlight design shall be used for the instrument
panel. There is no power light on the intrinsically safe isolator panel. The power supply indicator is
replaced by the basic model printed on the panel. After the power is on, the model on the panel
becomes illuminated by means of LED backlight.
Clamping type structure, a 35 mm DIN standard guide rail clamping type installation is used.
Screw terminal, the wire is connected and fastened by M3 screws.
■ Model, model selection and ordering
Model selection example
Example 1. TC-TPTESU11-UH-V1……1-input & 1-outputspecial I/O universal signal isolatorwith power distribution, 4-20mA input, 4-20mA output , an external power supply can be used for
the output circuit 24V, terminal power supply 20-42VDC
Example 2. TC-TPTESU11-UC-V1…….1-input & 1-outputspecial I/O universal signal isolator4-20mA input, 1-5V outputterminal power supply 20-42VDC
Example 3. TC-TPTESUX11-UA-V2…….1-input & 1-output, special I/O universal signal isolator, with displays (user must set parametersK, 0-1000input, 4-20mA output,
guide rail power supply 20-42VDC)
Note: if you select products with guide rail power supply, please order the special power supply DIN guide rail as well.
Optional accessories: Calibrated software CRFW-2000 for winXP and win7 PC
Calibration interface CR-2206 for general products
General product Android calibration interface FAIF-1904
Special power supply DIN guide rail (1 m/pc) PSDR-9000
■ Block diagram/wiring diagram
■ Technical Data

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