Safety Barrier
TCA-AO applies to connection between output signals of the control system and the field intrinsically safe circuit. After being isolated, it transmits 4-20 mA analog signals to the field actuator.
TCA-PI applies to supplying isolated DC to transmitters in hazardous area and accepting current signal input from the transmitter.
TCA-TP is an intrinsically safe instrument for signal transmission, connecting various sensors and actuators in dangerous areas. After isolation, it transmits and outputs the standard current signals to control systems or other instruments in safe areas.
For TCA-TP11BJ, one set of relay contacts are added on the basis of universal signal input intrinsically safe isolator for the alarm output of power distribution, current, thermal resistance, thermocouple, millivolt signal, sliding resistance, etc.
TCA-TPTESU Intrinsically safe special I/O universal signal isolator is a general instrument used for various special input and output signals, external power supply and other special output forms.